Hire Us!
HMS Psyche C.M.H.S. provides historic props including our longboat, costumed re-enactor extras, and maritime and naval expertise to television and film companies. Our boat crew can portray European and American seamen and officers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries (Napoleonic Wars and War of 1812), or even early 18th century pirates.
We can provide advice on seamanship, boat handling, period cooking, and period small arms. We also provide displays of period material culture, ropework, knots, and musketry displays to museums and special events. Our boat has even been hired as a parade float!
The boat is listed on the Ontario Film Location Database (listing L20971).
Contact us for a quote at hmspsyche@gmail.com
Psyche’s longboat and boat wranglers employed for the 2021 Netflix series “Jupiter’s Legacy.”

Psyche’s longboat and boat wranglers employed for the 2024 Hallmark / W Network series “The Way Home”

Displays, promotions, education, and reenactments.

Some photos by Steve Zronik and Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum